Peer-reviewed publications

Kumar, T. “How the content of digital complaints shapes bureaucratic responsiveness in Mumbai.” (Open Access) Governance. 2024.

Kumar, T., “Home-price subsidies increase local-level political participation in urban India.” Journal of Politics. 2022.[Pre-print] [Data and code]

Kumar, T. and Stenberg, M. “Why political scientists should study smaller cities.” 2022, Urban Affairs Review.[Pre-print]

Kumar, T., Post A., Ray, I., Otsuka, M., and Pardo-Bosch, F. “From public service access to service quality: The distributive politics of piped water in Bangalore.” World Development. 2022. [Pre-print] [Data and code]

Haas, N., Haenschen K., Kumar, T., Panagopoulos, C., Peyton, K., Ravanilla, N., and Sierra-Arevalo, M. “Organizational identity and positionality in randomized control trials: considerations and advice for collaborative research teams.” PS: Political Science and Politics. 2022.

Kumar, T., “The housing quality, income, and human capital effects of subsidized homes in urban India.” Journal of Development Economics. 2021. [Pre-print] [Data and code][Appendices]

Kumar, T., Post, A., and Ray, I. “Flows, leaks, and blockages in informational interventions: A field experimental study of Bangalore’s water Sector.” World Development. 2018.[Ungated] [Data and code]

Working papers

“Voice and response: How can citizens demand accountability from bureaucrats?” with G. Kruks-Wisner.

“Politics in the urban periphery: Citizen-led expansion and informality at the edges of India’s cities.” with A. Auerbach.

“When do local governments improve transparency? Bureaucratic champions for open transit data in California” w/ I. Ratan, A. Post, and M. Sheth. Paul Sabatier Award for the best paper on science, technology, and environmental politics, APSA 2022. Manuscript available upon request